EagleView Edge™


Breakthrough Academy

Breakthrough Academy (BTA), are operational systems specialists who guide construction company owners through The Contractor Growth Method™, a purpose-built implementation path to help contractors scale their business. BTA pulls owners out of the day-to-day to focus on the bigger picture, reclaiming their time (-22 hrs/wk avg.), increasing their net profit (+69% in the first year), and becoming the visionary leader of their brand instead of the doer-of-all-things.

The 6 pillars of the Contractor Growth Method™ Include:
  • Financial Controls
  • Defined Roles
  • Hiring Systems
  • Training & Onboarding
  • Optimized Sales & Marketing
  • Goal Setting & Execution
Breakthrough Academy Training
How We Implement Operational Systems
  • Content:

    Done-for-you business systems and templates: financial trackers, SOP’s, employment agreements, sales processes, training documents, interviewing and onboarding systems, and much more.

  • Coaching

    Work closely with industry-specialized coaches to reverse-engineer your long-term strategic plan into actionable short-term goals. We incorporate weekly video meetings to track results, hold accountability, and support you through the journey.

  • Community

    We are a community of 600+ like-minded entrepreneurs to collaborate with and be inspired by. We incorporate World-class business summits and masterminds full of actionable take-home learning — a truly high-performance culture like no other.

How to Scale Up Your Contracting Business

The BTA Content, Coaching, and Community helps to guide contractors through the 6 Pillars of the Contractor Growth Method™. Working with the BTA, contractors can expect the following results:

  • Owners work fewer hours (-22/wk avg.)
  • Earn higher net profits (+69% in the first year)
  • Achieve a balanced lifestyle (+time with the family)
Contractor's Executive Roundtable
  • The New School of Contracting

    Join industry leaders Breakthrough Academy and EagleView for a roundtable with two hyper-efficient contractors who are unlocking massive growth through smart systems and technology while taking back control of their business and time. Get out of that OLD-SCHOOL grind! Welcome to the New-School.

Contractor Evolution Podcast ep. 96
  • How to Get $6.6M Out of One Salesperson

    The way contractors sell is rapidly changing. Baby boomers may welcome us for a cup of coffee and a two-hour chit-chat in the backyard, but are millennials looking for that level of personal touch when they need work done? Doubt it. In-home selling is ripe for disruption and is about to evolve in ways that will blow your mind. Brad Baker and Devon Crowell of Artisan Roofing are at the forefront of this progression.

Contractor Evolution Podcast ep. 34
  • How Tech Will Change the Contracting Game Over the Next 10 Years

    You should be asking yourself, “Am I easy to use? How can I work out the friction points for my customer?” That’s where contractors are winning the game today. -Piers Dormeyer, President, Construction & Utilities at EagleView. Piers has a deep understanding of the contracting space, especially as it relates to the user experience; he sees who’s winning the game and who’s falling behind. Make sure it’s not YOU!

Tour of The Contractor Growth Method™

BTA Co-Founder, Danny Kerr, walks us through the Contractor Growth Method™ and how each interconnected pillar helps you to build a sustainable, and scalable operating system.

Why You Should Consider Breakthrough Academy

The average BTA Member starts working anywhere from 8-22 fewer hours/week in their business


After 12 months in the program, the average Member is earning 69% more Net Profit (+$168,380)


As time and profit become more predictable, Members spend more time on family, community, and interests

It’s Time to Remove You From the Equation

You can’t outsell a dysfunctional process — you need the right operational systems and smart technology to scale. Breakthrough Academy and EagleView together help you implement modern sales systems that save time and drive bigger net profits.

If you need help systemizing your operations and calming the chaos in your business, we should chat. 

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