June 12, 2015

EagleView Presents: Technology up on the Roof at the Western Roofing Expo

QuickSquares for AndroidMonday, June 15, 2015; 2:30 pm - 3:00 p.m. on the trade show floor at the Paris Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada Learn to use EagleView technology on the go and get a free QuickSquares Report!  Bring your mobile device to this one-of-a-kind demonstration and see how EagleView apps can increase sales and productivity. Be sure to do your homework:
  1. Bring a residential address
  2. Download an EagleView mobile app including the newest QuickSquares app at iTunes and Google Play.
All attendees will receive a complimentary QuickSquares report using the residential address that they bring to the demonstration.  We hope to see you at the Western Roofing Expo!  

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