March 29, 2022

We Measured—You Decide: Accurate Measurements With or Without the Climb

EagleView Roof Measurements

Roofing contractors are always looking to save time, money, and effort—while reducing on-the-job safety risks. One reliable way to achieve these goals is to use EagleView for accurate roof measurements without the climb.

We capture our own ultra-high resolution aerial imagery and use it to extract precise roof dimensions. Then we share the measurements in a comprehensive report, which includes facet-by-facet measurements, pitch calculations, and suggested waste factor.

Manual Roof Measurements vs EagleView Roof Measurements

Recently, we asked a professional roofing contractor to compare his manual inspection to the roof dimensions he received from EagleView. 

Not only were EagleView’s calculations as accurate (or more) than what the contractor captured manually—but EagleView’s data also didn’t require a site visit, safety equipment, or manual calculations.

The contractor commented that using EagleView reports could double the number of daily estimates he conducts. This means closing more deals—while saving “time, money, and sweat.”  

Check out the video below to see the comparison in action, and download a sample EagleView Premium Report to see our data for yourself.

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