October 31, 2014

Creative Ideas for Your Next Home Show

Jihn Doe RoofingMarketing through community events has been around for a very long time.  There are some tried and true ways to working these events but there are also some new ideas that just might make a difference for future lead generation.  Getting in front of potential customers and sharing a story of integrity, accuracy and dependability is still key to gaining leads and winning jobs.  But how does a contractor get the attention of home and business owners long enough to deliver that message? Some age-old marketing opportunities for contractors are home shows or commercial events such as fairs, open houses or community events.  These activities offer contractors a chance to share their story of success with homeowners and business owners alike, gaining not only leads but branding their business as an integral part of the community. The trick is to take this age-old opportunity and fine tune it with some new-age ideas.  So in keeping with “if it works don’t change it,” there are some key truths when exhibiting that should always be followed: Oldies but Goodies
  • Dress appropriate for your profession so you are approachable
  • Do not talk on your phone or text in the booth
  • No food or beverage within sight
  • Don’t load down attendees with literature. Give them one good piece that will entice them to engage with your business.
  • Don’t clutter the booth, make it welcoming
  • Smile (this never changes) and engage people walking by. Offer them something unique that may even bring them back to your booth.
By holding on to the oldies but goodies contractors set a strong foundation for their booth and the personnel working there but what can they do to differentiate themselves from all the other exhibitors at the event?  Here are some new-age ideas: Differentiate your Booth
  • Keep the booth simple, clean and easy to navigate
  • Provide open spaces. Customers want to feel welcomed into the booth and clutter will push them away.
  • Be sure you have the right size to entice attendees to enter and stay. This includes making room for displays and technology such as monitors or laptops.
  • Use one strong backdrop graphic that speaks about your company
  • Vendor support – ask your distributor or manufacturer’s rep to bring samples and work the booth with you
  • Hand out fun promotional items with a call to action to create the lead
Technology in the Booth
  • Bring technology into the booth i.e. laptop, printer, iPad. Display a looping video or PowerPoint that attendees can view before coming in (if there is a line, it keeps them engaged while waiting)
  • Showcase online software tools in the booth to show homeowners how technology differentiates your business (Hint – EagleView It!)
  • Invite people to connect with your company on social media.–Ask them to connect with you on Twitter or Facebook while in the booth and offer a free estimate or gift.
  • Create promotions to gain email addresses and contact information such as a free property owner report or estimate that includes their permission to email them after the show
  • Promote community-minded initiatives (No Roof Left Behind is a great conversation starter in the booth)
Follow-up, Follow-up and Follow-up again
  • Thank the customers who gave you information for coming by the booth
  • Email a free estimate offer after the show and ask them to follow the company on social media
  • Send them a property owner report like QuickSquares from EagleView as a thank you
  • Make the emails fun, share seasonal ideas such as maintenance programs, Christmas lights or community events where you will be in the future
In the end, be involved, be different and use technology and your roofing industry resources such as distributors and manufacturers to make the experience fun for future customers and employees.  Overall it develops a great way to build leads and branding for your company.

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