February 1, 2010

EagleView is a proud sponsor of the Xactware User Conference

2010 Xactware User Conference February 4-5, 2010 Salt Lake City, Utah The first annual Xactware user conference is coming up, and we are very excited and proud to be a sponsor. This is a perfect opportunity for professionals to exchange ideas, learn about the latest technologies, and see what Xactware has planned for the road ahead.   Some Breakout Sessions from the Conference: What’s New in Xactimate version 27 Xactimate version 27 is scheduled for release during first quarter of 2010. Xactimate version 27 is a major leap forward with significantly expanded capabilities, streamlined workflows, and easier-to-use features. You will explore new Xactimate version 27 features in this session and learn about the possibilities they provide to work faster and more intuitively. Complex Roof Sketching with Xactimate version 27 Sketch in Xactimate version 27 accomplished what seem to be two opposing goals: it contains a wealth of new features and it’s easier to use. New, visually oriented Sketch tools make complex Sketching intuitive and easy. This session walks you through the new Roof Sketching capabilities, applies the new features to complex roofs, and discusses best practices for accurate and speedy roof sketching. Integrated Third-Party Solutions Many Xactware users rely on key services and products from companies outside of Xactware. Xactware works hard to identify and work with these companies in order to integrate services and to streamline your workflow. In this session you will not see a sales presentation from any of these providers but instead a discussion about how you can implement important aspects of your current workflow from inside of Xactware tools. Browse the Break Out Sessions: http://www.xactware.com/user-conference/breakout-sessions.html To learn more, visit their website at: http://www.xactware.com/user-conference/index.html

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