Spot the Furry Friend: June Images of the Month

Okay, animal lovers - this month is for you!
For the June edition of our favorite high-resolution aerial imagery, we decided to try something a little bit different. Since our fixed-wing aircraft capture massive images from a great height, it's not uncommon to spot things in the wilderness while gazing upon the landscapes.
So here's the deal. Below are 11 oblique and orthogonal images containing various furry, fuzzy, floating and fast friends all across the country. See if you can spot the animal(s) in the first image - and swipe the slider to see if you were right!
We're not going to lie - these were pretty tough! If you were able to get more than a few animals right, give yourself a big pat on the back.
Thanks for checking out the June Images of the Month, and don't forget to swing by again in July! For now, feel free to enjoy some of the best high-resolution aerial imagery from April and May below.