June 7, 2018
EagleView is once again taking to the skies for the Town of Southampton, New York. With three assessors visiting roughly 51,000 parcels in the Town of Southampton, staff members are stretched thin. Using Pictometry® imagery, assessors can see where changes have occurred without locked gates or other obstacles in the way. The Town of Southampton also uses ChangeFinder™, the change detection solution from EagleView, to track updates and new constructions.
27East in the Hamptons spoke with Assessor Lisa Goree about the value that oblique aerial imagery brings to her office.
27East.com: Southampton Uses Advanced Assessment Technology from EagleView

Lisa Goree, Southampton Town Sole Assessor
"What it does is it actually outlines the area that may have changed in the structure from the last time we had [aerial imaging in 2014]. It outlines a building’s footprint, whereas in 2014 there might have been no building there and now there is a building,” Southampton Town Sole Assessor Lisa Goree said. “You know, we have a lot of gated communities here. We can’t see into those properties.”The Town of Southampton also uses ChangeFinder™, the change detection solution from EagleView, to track updates and new constructions.
“ChangeFinder from EagleView uses automated software to compare historical high-resolution Pictometry imagery with current, up-to-date Pictometry imagery. Recent changes are then highlighted for rapid property assessment. These changes can include additions to a property such as pools, garages, sheds and home expansions, and can also detect demolitions. As a final step, a human quality check is completed on our end as well as by the assessors utilizing the product prior to making the final value determination,” said Robert Locke, EagleView senior vice president of government solutions.
Read the rest of the article on 27East.com.
Want to know the real value of finding change? Discover what ChangeFinder has done for Southampton, New York, and other jurisdictions in our interactive story map, The Real Value of Change Detection.