December 17, 2015
Tennessee Teams up with Pictometry®
Pictometry, an EagleView company, is proud to announce a partnership with Tyler Technologies in the state of Tennessee, integrating Pictometry imagery into their statewide iasWorld CAMA™ appraisal software referred to as IMPACT (Integrated Multiprocessing of Administrative and CAMA Technologies). The IMPACT system is managed by the Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury and is currently utilized by 82 counties, many of which are Pictometry customers.
Technology improvements have allowed these cloud-based technologies to reside and integrate seamlessly. Accordingly, the state has found the resources to make the project possible with the Integrated Pictometry Application (IPA), allowing for the retrieval of information as a web service. Prior to IPA, server space was limited.
The project is estimated to be completed by the end of 2015.
For more information on our partnerships and integrations, please click here.