Top Trends in Remote Assessment from IAAO 2021
EagleView was thrilled to sponsor the 2021 IAAO Annual Conference last month in Chicago. In addition to getting some long overdue face time with the assessment community, it was also a great opportunity to check out the top trends for remote assessment.
Here were some of our favorite conversations from this year’s conference.
- Assessment teams already know how to assess remotely, and they are still innovating. Beyond traditional desktop assessments, we heard from customers who are using EagleView imagery to plan more efficient field visits, to inspect coastal or otherwise inaccessible areas, and to increase trust and transparency during appeals processes.
- Development didn’t stop for COVID-19, and aerial imagery is helping local government keep pace. From residential development to industrial growth to warehouse expansions, counties haven’t slowed down. Some of our customers have even increased the frequency of their image captures to keep track of new development in their regions.
- “Business as usual” is its own kind of ROI. Because assessment teams were already investing in the tools to make their work as efficient as possible, they’ve spent the past year and a half conducting business as usual. Using aerial imagery to save on time and travel, reduce appeals, and minimize as many safety risks to field teams as possible all adds up to show tremendous value.
We’d like to extend a very special thank you to IAAO for hosting such an amazing event. Thanks to our partners who joined us for our conference session: Jennifer Romero, Operations Manager with the Office of the Santa Fe County Assessor; and John Wilson, King County Assessor. Thanks also to all who joined our networking hubs, who attended the Women’s Luncheon, and who stopped by our booth to connect.
Partner with EagleView
Long before remote work was the norm, EagleView was helping tax assessors perform accurate assessments remotely without the time and expense of on-site visits.
With over 1 billion orthogonal and oblique images, 360° property views, and patented change detection solutions, EagleView helps assessors and their constituents be confident in their assessment outcomes.
Let us help you make your “business as usual” the best it can possibly be.