September 29, 2016

What We Learned at Solar Power International

Accurate Solar Installations

solar panels

This September, EagleView exhibited at Solar Power International (SPI) in Las Vegas, Nevada. We met with EagleView customers and those new to EagleView alike, and we shared some of our most recent innovations with attendees.

SPI is the premier solar trade show for industry professionals. Founded in 2004, the event has grown from about 1,100 attendees and just a few dozen exhibitors to more than 18,000 attendees and 650 exhibitors.

To say that organizers and attendees are serious about solar would be a huge understatement. One highlight of SPI 2016 was a working microgrid – a live working system that actually powered part of the conference. One couple in the industry even said “#SPIdo” and tied the knot on the conference’s last evening. With attendees from at least 25 different countries and all facets of the industry represented, SPI was the perfect spot for EagleView’s team to interact with solar professionals.

Eight EagleView team members, including sales rep Dolphus Newson, met with conference-goers at the EagleView booth. Following the event, Dolph pointed out that such interactions were a major highlight of the three-day event.Dolphus Newson

“The first day at SPI, I looked around the booth and all seven of the Eagleview attendees were fully engaged with a different folks interested in our offerings,” Dolph said.

Some even stopped by just to give the EagleView team kudos. “Throughout the show, the amount of clients who stopped by to tell us how much they loved our products was definitely a high point,” Dolph remarked.

What did those clients say about our products? And what benefits do they provide?

“EagleView provides answers at various stages of a solar installation remotely,” Dolph said. “The ability to figure out what size system you can fit on a roof without having to go to a site holds a lot of value. Not only can we provide that data, but we can do so extremely accurately.”

The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) organize SPI and other Solar Power Events. The Solar Power conferences aren’t only the most cutting-edge in solar – the proceeds also go right back to the industry for further research, development, and education.

The value of solar is expected to jump from $23 billion in 2015 to double that by the end of this year. Additionally, the cost of solar panels has dropped by nearly 70% in recent years, positioning solar as an in-demand commodity for home and business owners.

“Solar is an ever-changing market that is trending upwards,” Dolph explained. “I see the solar industry continuing this trend upwards as the market continues to evolve. I believe technology will play a huge role in this continued growth, and we plan to be a huge part of that. I am excited to be part of this movement and proud to help change this emerging market.”

See you next year, SPI!

(Want an update from Dolph on the state of solar? Check out his article in Roofing Contractor.)

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