June 7, 2018

Case Study: Using an EagleView Competitor “Almost Sank” This Roofer

suburban home roofThe Roofing Guys, a roofing company based out of Syracuse, New York, have doubled their sales each year over the eight years they have been in operation. Run by Mike Flynn and his wife Angela, the growing company began ordering EagleView reports in 2013 to see more accurate measurements for bids. With a large team at their disposal, The Roofing Guys can typically complete jobs within about one day. To create quicker estimates for prospective customers Mike and his team began using EagleView QuickSquares™ reports. QuickSquares reports give roofers an aerial image of the property along with the number of squares on the roof. After winning a bid, a roofer can upgrade to an EagleView PremiumReport™ at a reduced cost for full measurements, 3D diagrams, and additional aerial images of the roof. When an EagleView competitor offered roof measurements at a reduced cost, Mike decided to go for it. But the results weren’t quite what he expected. Read the rest of the case study to find out what EagleView could do for The Roofing Guys.

Read the Case Study

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