April Showers Bring… April Rainbows of the Month!

If you're an outdoors person, it can be a major drag sitting through the drizzles and rainstorms that the early spring months bring. We get it - the rain can get in the way of our high-resolution aerial imagery, too!
That's why, in the interest of staying positive, we want to turn your rainy frown upside down by looking at the flip side. What's the silver lining of a rainstorm?
Why, rainbows of course! We've compiled some of the sharpest rainbows from our massive image database for your viewing, and to remind us to look on the bright side.

Did you enjoy gazing at these wonders of the sky? Don't forget to check out our past editions below, and stay tuned for May (and if you're following the trend, you can probably guess what you're in for).
And, as always, thanks for geeking out over our high-resolution aerial imagery with us! We hope you'll be back next month to do it all again.