December 9, 2015

Case Study: Discovering More Than $6.5 Million In Value

Montrose County blog imageBordering Utah in Southwestern Colorado, Montrose County has a population of 41,000 people and covers 2,200 sq. miles. The county itself is about the size of the entire state of Delaware. The land is a diverse mixture of agriculture, forest, desert and canyons. Due to the size and the topography, Brad Hughes, MAI, Montrose County Assessor, was aware of the obstacles facing the county appraisers for assessments. He turned to Pictometry for support. In Montrose County, there are 25,000 real property accounts with 30 percent of the land being privately owned and 70 percent public. Managing this land in the Assessor’s office falls on one assessor, four appraisers and four administrative staff members. Hughes knew he needed additional resources and understood the value that Pictometry® aerial orthogonal and oblique imagery would provide.

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