We Bet You Can’t Guess 8/8 Using Only Orthogonal Imagery!

Put your eyes to the test!
There’s a common misconception among users of aerial imagery, such as local tax assessors and roofing contractors, that an orthogonal image (or top-down view) is perfectly fine to accurately identify and measure a property.
We’re here to bust that misconception!

Test your analysis skills and see if you can identify the structures below, simply from an orthogonal view. We’d be willing to bet that our patented oblique (angled view) image adds some much-needed perspective.
How many did you get right?
If your answer is less than "all of them", then you already see the value of oblique imagery. On the job, misidentifying even one structure could have disastrous consequences, from incorrect tax valuations to ordering the wrong amount of materials for a roofing job.
Our customers don't want that to happen - and neither do we. That's why we've spent the past two decades patenting and perfecting our oblique image capture technology, which delivers 4x the detail of standard aerial imagery and 70x that of satellite imagery.