Aerial Imagery for Property Assessment

Clear and Detailed Aerial Imagery for Property Assessment

Generate fair and equitable property valuation assessments

Better Images. Better Data. Better Decisions

EagleView’s high-resolution aerial imagery, which meets IAAO standards, helps assessors be accurate and make confident decisions.

Clear and Detailed Aerial Imagery

Using sophisticated cameras and flying at low altitudes, we capture clear and detailed aerial images that make it easy to see important property features.

Oblique Images

See properties from all four cardinal directions—north, south, east and west— and gain a complete aerial perspective.

Accurate Property Data

Our property data is generated from precise geographic information, so you can be confident in your data and measurements.

Easy-to-Use Software

With built-in-tools to measure distance, height and area, our software makes it easy to analyze properties using a computer.

CAMA System Integrations

Our aerial imagery integrates with CAMA systems providing the convenience of working in one system.

Oblique Aerial Imagery Helps Assessors See More

Our oblique aerial imagery is captured at an approximate 45-degree angle to the ground and shows properties from all four cardinal directions – north, south, east and west.

The benefit of oblique images is that the sides of homes and buildings are visible, and assessors gain a comprehensive view to conduct property analysis. Assessors can determine the height of homes and buildings and see property features that are not visible with top-down, orthogonal imagery.

Oblique imagery helps assessors conduct desktop appraisals and reduce the need for field visits and onsite inspections.

Analytics Tools to Enhance Property Assessment

Property assessment is easier with our transformational sketch verification and change detection products.

Sketch Inspect

Find inaccurate and missing property sketches for homes and parcels using aerial imagery, CAMA system records and automation.

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See property changes by comparing images and building outlines from two different years.

Our Aerial Imagery Meets IAAO Standards

The International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) maintains technical standards for using computer-aided processes and aerial imagery to support fair and equitable property valuations.

EagleView’s aerial imagery meets IAAO’s recommendations for using aerial photography for property appraisals. IAAO’s recommendations* include:

  • Orthophoto images that are at least 6-inch pixel resolution in urban/suburban and 12-inch resolution in rural areas, updated every 2 years in rapid-growth areas or 6-10 years in slow-growth areas
  • Low-level oblique images capable of being used for measurement verification, captured from four cardinal directions with a minimum 6-inch pixel resolution in urban/suburban and 12-inch pixel resolution in rural areas, updated every 2 years in rapid growth areas or 6-10 years in slow-growth areas

*Standards noted in IAAO Standard on Mass Appraisal of Real Property (2017)

Property Assessment Case Studies

Finding $95 million In Additional Market Value In Arizona
Finding $95 million In Additional Market Value In Arizona

Mohave County, Arizona, used aerial imagery to identify porches, garages, pools, and additional living areas for additional market value.

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Case Study: Three Months, $14 Million in Value Added in Las Animas County
Case Study: Three Months, $14 Million in Value Added in Las Animas County

Las Animas County, Colorado, quickly and accurately assessed high-growth areas using aerial imagery.

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Jefferson County Finds Almost $3.5 Million in Unrecorded Property Value
Jefferson County Finds Almost $3.5 Million in Unrecorded Property Value

Jefferson County, Nebraska, generated $50,000 in additional tax revenue, which will be distributed across the county, cities, and schools.

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Santa Fe County Assessor Improves Transparency with EagleView Imagery
Santa Fe County Assessor Improves Transparency with EagleView Imagery

Santa Fe County, New Mexico, used EagleView imagery to complete assessments with a reduced team.

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Trusted by County Assessors Across the
United States

County assessors use EagleView’s imagery to conduct appraisals, update property records and maintain fair and equitable tax rolls.

Photo of Gus Martinez
Gus Martinez

Assessor, Santa Fe County, NM

“I couldn’t even think about doing my job now without EagleView.”

Photo of Linda Fraley
Linda Fraley

Auditor, Clermont County, OH

“The valuations are more accurate with EagleView imagery.”

Photo of Hosea Wilson
Hosea Wilson

Assessor, Dare County, NC

“We implemented 100% desktop reappraisals using [EagleView] oblique imagery.”