Customer Service: Why Claims Pro Never Leaves Home Without EagleView

When most people are frantically packing their things and boarding up the house to evacuate from a looming storm, Russell Oyer is working in the reverse. Like others in the catastrophic insurance adjuster business, he’s mobilizing toward the storm. His job is to be on the ground when the storm’s teeth unclench to begin healing the carnage left behind.
Russell goes because it’s his job to help put people’s lives – and the homes, businesses and places where people live it – back together. As an independent catastrophic insurance adjuster, Russell says his work is all about customer service and making sure people do not feel they are trying to tackle their personal/family disaster alone. For most folks, hope comes from a listening ear and with the check Russell extends from the insurance company who hired him. Because many people do not have 3-months of savings to fall back on, that money can allow for alternate shelter to be found, bills to be paid and repairs to begin.
Russell is a seasoned pro with dozens of storms under his belt and he credits property measurement reports from EagleView with his ability to deliver accurate, professional damage reports to the insurance carrier as quickly as possible – often saving him hours per claim. Added up, that means Russell can see at least one more property per day, helping more families get on the road to recovery before the sun sets. And in the long, dreadful hours following a catastrophic storm event, getting that hope, that feeling of recovery and that new beginning to as many people – as quickly as possible – is the goal.

“This work is all about customer service. I’m there to reassure the homeowner that they are – and will be – cared for,” Russell says. “When I show up and I’m prepared and professional, it helps put the homeowner at ease which reflects positively back on the insurance carrier. Faster claims resolutions equal happier customers.”
EagleView is the “Cadillac” for this industry, Russell says. Often EagleView can dispatch post-event aerial images within a day of the storm, and in combination with archives of pre-event imagery, can assist in both risk evaluation and damage analysis. The measurements in the property reports are so accurate, he only needs to verify a few dimensions, regardless of the slope or complexity of the roof.
The level of detail, including dormers, outcroppings and even siding, windows, gutters, downspouts and more delivered are so detailed, he says, “it makes EagleView the gold standard.”
Another huge benefit of EagleView’s property reports: they limit Russell’s time on roofs.
“Falling off a roof – particularly a damaged, weakened roof – is not on my bucket list,” Russell says. “With the EagleView data and images I spend far less time on a roof. I limit my fall risk, get accurate measurements, load them into a professional report for the homeowner, and do it in less time. It gives the customer confidence and assurance that I know what I’m doing.
“The more information I have before I arrive at a house, the faster and more accurately I can help that family, and the next family, and helping the community around them become whole again, which is what it’s all about,” Russell adds. “And for me, that makes EagleView a real differentiator and asset in this business.”
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