Keeping Your Assessors and Constituents Safe with EagleView Virtual Assessments
By David Petterson, Sr. Director of Imagery Products, Product Strategy
The world as we know it has changed. The days of knocking on doors and walking around a homeowner’s property have faded into the rearview mirror. People have become more protective of their families and properties – and understandably so. But the world continues to turn, and as a nation we will continue to find ways to get the job done. As a result of COVID-19, counties across the United States are going to be relying very heavily on the data that EagleView collected this year.
The data that EagleView provides allows Assessors to detect meaningful changes across their county from the safety of their own homes. Additionally, Assessors can review much more of their county than they could through traditional site visits – which are no longer a viable option – as they can quickly move from property to property at the click of a button.
Streetview images taken during traditional site visits lack the necessary detail into a subject property
With EagleView imagery, assessors can view the entire subject property, no matter how large, and focus in on specific structures
The ability to deliver a fair and equitable tax roll in a timely manner is of paramount importance to ensuring revenues continue to fund local governments. EagleView technology supports Assessors in both the remote assessment and review of a property to ensure a high degree of professionalism, transparency and trust is maintained with the general public during these difficult times.
At EagleView, we are very grateful that our local government customers have put their trust in us, and we look to deliver the most effective solution possible to ensure they can do their jobs efficiently and with total confidence. To learn more about how EagleView can help your department get the job done remotely, feel free to contact your EagleView representative or reach out through our website.